Jan 12, 2009

Google's Not a Cup of Tea?

So someone with far too much time on their hands has determined that doing two Google searches uses as much energy as boiling water for a pot of tea. While I have to admit to being curious as to how these results were obtained (did someone boil the water as the searches were going on?), these types of studies always make me laugh.

Seriously, if the real goal here is to conserve energy, how about we eliminate all these useless studies? How much energy was expended in this study? How much energy has been wasted distributing the data?

Haven't we all gone a little too far with this nonsense? Somebody needs to realize that 'saving the planet,' while completely unnecessary (seriously, the height of human arrogance is the idea that we can destroy the planet), isn't an admirable goal if you plan to do so by eliminating human progress. If the scientists are that irritated about it, maybe they could look into boiling less tea.

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