Jan 9, 2009

Mystery Science Theater Fans, Rejoice!

Somehow, I've managed to miss this up until this week. Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett, veterans of Mystery Science Theater 3000, have a new project called RiffTrax.

What makes this so fun is that it isn't the old movies of the MST3k era, but the popular and well known movies of today. You can hear the crew commenting on Harry Potter films, The Dark Knight, and even the original Star Wars. The trick is that you have to purchase the audio track, then sync it up with your DVD. Alternatively, you can use their downloadable player that will sync your DVD with their audio.

If you've ever sat in a room with a couple of films and ripped on a movie, you'll feel right at home here. At the very least, you owe it to yourself to check out the preview tracks. They're loaded with laughs all on their own.

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