Jan 20, 2009

Join the Fight Against H.R.231

Gamers everywhere are near universal in their disdain for governmental attempts to further regulate the sale of video games. In the past, we've seen several laws in this vein proposed, passed, and struck down as unconstitutional.

The latest contestant on this legal merry-go-round is H.R. 231, sponsored by California Representative Joe Baca. It proposes to place a warning label on every game rated 'T' or higher by the ESRB that would read as follows:

WARNING: Excessive exposure to violent video games and other violent media has been linked to aggressive behavior.

Let's forget for a minute all the other types of equally (if not more so) violent media that exist today. Movies, books, and even the TV news showcase violence every day; all of them sans warning labels. Let's focus instead on the fact that to this day there has been no scientific consensus of a link between video games and violent behavior. In fact, several studies (such as this one by the Pew Internet and American Life Project) suggest that playing video games is actually helpful.

This bill will even require the label for games rated 'T' and above that did not receive that rating for violence. This would not only be ridiculous, it would be overly confusing for parents, and would basically render the ESRB ratings moot.

The ECA (Entertainment Consumers Association)has an excellent page that will allow you to contact your Congressman and voice your opposition to this patently unconstitutional measure.

I urge every gamer to head over there and submit your email right now. If we make our voice heard, perhaps we won't have to wait for this nonsense to be challenged in court.

You can find more info on this bill over at GamePolitics.

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