Jan 15, 2009

'A Miracle in the Hudson'

I'm sure that unless you're living under a rock somewhere you've seen the news coverage of the amazing plane crash story in New York today. Well, to be fair, it wasn't so much a crash as a controlled water landing.

While it's a little off the topics I usually talk about, I couldn't watch that coverage today without being astounded at the professionalism and bravery shown by all those involved.

First, the plane's crew. The pilot, a 29-year veteran of US Airlines and a former F-4 fighter pilot for the US Air Force, made a landing that many would have called impossible, based on the design of the aircraft he was piloting. Keeping the engines out of the water until the last possible minute, he managed to bring the plane down not only in one piece, but on top of the water. Then, he left the cockpit, oversaw the evacuation of the plane, and then walked the plane twice to make sure everyone was off. Of course, all of this was assisted by the copilot, who should receive equal praise.

Second, the flight crew, who kept everyone calm and facilitated an orderly evacuation, which no doubt saved many lives.

Third, the first responders, both official (NYPD, FDNY, Coast Guard, and Port Authority Police) and private (ferry operators). These people leapt into action without orders or questions. They took their boats right up to fuselage of the plane and pulled everyone of those passengers and crew members off the plane and out of the water.

Least you think these things are small ones, realize that a matter of a few minutes in water that cold (35-40 degrees) can be the difference between life and death.

Today we saw an amazing feat of courage, skill, and to be fair, more than a little luck. My hat is off to all of them, and if I ever make it up to New York, I'll be hunting up some of these people to buy them all a drink. I recommend you do the same.

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